Uniform Guidance Wants Your Feedback

If you receive Federal funds and are subject to the Uniform Guidance regulations (2 CFR Part 200), or any Department codified regulations (i.e. 45 CFR Part 75), there are proposed changes. This Notice of Proposed Rule Making means responses are due in 60 days from the time it was published in the Federal Register to explain why you (and your organization) support, do not support, or have recommendations to the changes. Wipfli is here to help! Join this panel discussion with our nationally renowned Federal regulations facilitators to dialog about: Why responding to a notice of proposed rule making is so important What the changes could mean for your organization Suggestions on how to respond These proposed changes could impact the cost principles and de minimis rate, equipment and supplies threshold amounts, the audit threshold and so much more. Comments are due on or before December 4, 2023 so now is the time to learn and plan your actions.

Media Policy: Unless you specifically advise us otherwise in writing, by attending this training you authorize Wipfli LLP to use your name, likeness, image, attributed quotations, or other identifying indicia acquired or received in connection with your participation in the training in the firm’s promotional efforts related to future training sessions or other marketing related activities.

UNIQUE EMAIL ADDRESSES REQUIRED:  When completing a registration please enter the unique email address of the person attending the training, not the email of the person completing the registration.  A unique email address is required for each attendee in order to access the training event, materials, and for CPE eligibility.

10/30/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Central Daylight Time

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